Executive Vice Chairman
Ting Chiu
Back in 2003, Ting Chiu, Ms. Ting to her family and friends, was a very happy and contented teacher of young Montessori children, who, for the past ten years, thought that the only way that she could help this world, and the future was through the kids. Ting had an enjoyable teaching career, assisted in part by having completed degrees in Organizational Management from Tainai Women’s College in Taiwan and Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, GA, bolstered by her certification in Early Childhood Education from the University of Florida and, together with her caring attitude and devotion to the field of education, this talented, well-educated woman was making a name for herself in her chosen career.
The passing away of her husband’s 45-year-old friend, who left two young kids without benefit of proper financial planning, began the change of her perspective in life, because she, and husband, Frank Chiang, realized that a multitude of people needed access to solid and basic financial literacy, themselves included. From this truly unfortunate combination of circumstances, arose the providential arrival of World Financial Group (WFG) into Ting’s, suddenly not, contented life; she took up the cause of educating and empowering people with financial knowledge and providing solutions to build and protect wealth for families.
With this new outlook in life, Ting quickly evolved into a more decisive, forceful, dynamic and inspirational leader that helped her become an MVP in 2008, with an office that grew to hundreds of inspired people. Ting continued her impressive rise within the company, receiving a multitude of other honors and accolades, simply because she refuses to believe that people out there cannot be helped in some way by teaching them the basics of personal financial strategies.
Ting, who has always had impeccable personal ethics, and well-developed principles of strong family values, which she credits to her father and mother, is changing families’ lives, every day, in very positive ways and, together with her business skills and abilities, which she attributes to her father, has helped other individuals become proponents of financial literacy, as well. Indeed, this self-less dedication, hard- work and single-minded focus on her cause, has granted Ting the honor of being promoted to Executive Vice Chairman in 2015, and currently manages over 300 licensed agents across 15 states and serves clients in over 30 states.
She has continued to tirelessly seek personal growth and improvement, and reinforced her already considerable and admirable qualifications, by receiving her certification and designation as a Certified Financial Educator (CFEd), by becoming a Certified College Planning Consultant with the Heartland Institute of Financial Education, as well as, by becoming a Registered Representative with Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. Ting, highly regarded in her community, is active in her church, is involved in several non-profit organizations.