Sachi is an executive coach who works extensively in the areas of communications, public speaking, leadership, executive presence, accent reduction, media training and diversity. With her 30+ years of on-air work as an anchor at CNN, Japan Cable Television Network in Tokyo and other media outlets, Sachi enables her clients to attain the next level of sophistication in career development through speech, presentations, executive presence and leadership coaching. Sachi works with senior executives one-on-one as well as teams to enhance effectiveness.
With an award winning news anchor background, Sachi has developed the program, Speaking Powerfully with Minimal Stress, coaching executives in managing stage fright, establishing credibility and communicating with impact. Sachi’s program is based on her personal definition of public speaking – any conversation outside the home – emphasizing the necessity of articulating well in any situation.
Sachi’s uniquely created program teaches methods to differentiate executives in communicating through confidence-building and showmanship with the ability to speak at ease in public – ultimately creating winning and thought provoking presentations. Sachi’s personally developed program of – “On-camera Delivery – Improving Teleprompter Performance” teaches executives the artful skill of mastering a teleprompter while affecting a natural and congenial manner. Sachi’s experience-based program of “How to Handle the Media” teaches clients the ability to gain the upper hand when interacting with the media; what to say and what not to say; how to placate a fierce media group; where to hold an advantageous press conference; getting your message to the media; and much more. Sachi’s uniquely-designed multi-cultural training program of accent reduction entitled Speaking Clarity for More Effectiveness focuses on clarity and softening an accent, allowing executives to improve their effectiveness and articulation of speaking, while building confidence, assertiveness and self-esteem.
Sachi graduated as a Presidential Scholar and Summa Cum Laude with a communications degree from Reinhardt University and a language and culture degree from Gendai Nihongo Gakko in Tokyo, Japan. She also received a Society of Environmental Journalist Fellowship for Journalists of Color.